Friday, May 3, 2013

Lots of checking in to do!

So far so good with the insanity journey!  I am still doing my workouts each and every day!  Here's just a short update of what I've been doing over the last week!

Thursday  4/25: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.  I won't talk much about Pure Cardio since I've already talked about it a few times.  About 40 minutes of craziness just sums this one up!  Cardio Abs is a new one.  This is a shorter 20 minute workout just focusing on ab work, but no laying on the ground and doing sit ups or crunches.  Lots of jumping around and plank work.  There are some super hard jumps where you have to jump and get your knees as high as possible and touch them to your elbows.  This is hard!  You also do a lot of moves in the "C" position.  Looks like this:
My abs were shaking after doing tons of exercises in this position.  Eventually he makes you lift your legs off the ground and at this point I'm pretty sure my stomach muscles exploded out of my stomach!  Overall, the Cardio Abs is a great ab workout.  I liked it!

I also did a practice 5K for my upcoming race on Sunday.  It was SOOOO windy.  It was actually horrible.  It felt like the wind was coming at me at 50MPH the whole time.  I finished in 28:37, an average 9:13 minute mile.  I'm happy with that.  It's much faster than my usual pace, which is very surprising because of the dang wind.  Maybe insanity is helping my running pace :)

Friday 4/26: REST DAY and that is what I did....RESTED!

Saturday 4/27: Fit Test
Fit Test Results
                                     Day 1               Day 15
Switch Kicks                100                   108
Power Jacks                 41                     52
Power Knees                82                     94
Power Jumps                29                     38
Globe Jumps                 8                       11
Suicide Jumps               16                     20
Push Up Jacks              17                     22
Low Plank Oblique       67                     65

I did better in every exercise except the last one, low plank obliques.  I pushed really hard and I think my body was just too stinking tired to give anymore.  But overall I am very happy with my improvements and it's obvious by the numbers that Insanity is working :) 

Sunday 4/28: Today was supposed to be Cardio Circuit, but I skipped it because I ran a race and had a super fun family day!  (I did a separate blog post for the race recap)

Monday 4/29: Cardio Circuit (made up from yesterday!)  Since I'm writing this days after I did the workout I am struggling to remember this workout.  I honestly can't remember a thing about it!  Ha!  Oh wait, what I do remember is that I kept Hunter home from daycare (Jackson was at school) since I did not work today.  He was playing farm while I was working out.  He must have gotten bored because he started playing on top of his huge barn.  So for 35 minutes of my workout I heard, "Mom, Mom, Momma, Mom, Momma, watch me, Mom, Momma, watch me, Momma, Momma, Momma, watch me."  No joke, this kid said this the entire workout.  I would look at him and smile in an effort to show him that I was paying attention to him, but he would just keep saying "Momma, Momma, Momma!"  It is very hard to talk during my workouts and Hunter just doesn't quite seem to understand that eye contact, a smile and a head nod is confirmation that I am actually watching him.  So over and over I had to say, "Yes Hunter, Momma is watching."  Maybe this is why I don't remember the workout, because I was talking to Hunter 98% of the time!  

My workout was very much like this Family Guy Episode:

Tuesday 4/30: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.  Before I did my workout I wanted to get in a little run.  I decided today that I would go out into the country.  Since we live right on the edge of town, it's easy to do.  I headed out and planned to do around 4 miles.  I thought I knew where I was going.  I thought the gravel road I was on would connect over to a familiar road which would take me back into town.  It did not.  At one point I had to stop and turn on my GPS on my phone to see where the road would connect.  It connected, in about 5 more miles!  So I turned myself around and followed my path back home.  My run ended up being almost 7 miles today!  It was hot and windy and I was tired at the end!  

I still had Insanity to do, so I hopped on it once I was home.  I had two hard ones to do; Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.  What's another hour workout on top of my 7 mile run.  Oh Lord, was I tired!  I felt like Gumby.

Wednesday 5/1: Cardio Recovery.  I welcomed Cardio Recovery today.  This is a boring workout, but was much needed after my Insane workout day yesterday.  Usually I would do some sort of extra workout with Cardio Recovery since it is so "relaxed", but not today!  I took it easy the rest of the day!

Thursday 5/2: Cardio Power and Resistance: Today we had record snow falls.  I think it ended up being like 84 inches or something.  Just kidding, it was actually only 15.5 inches :)  Because of all of the wet/heavy snow that came so fast, the roads were terrible.  No travel was advised by MN DOT, so I followed their orders and stayed home from work.  So did Brian!  We had a fun family day with the kiddos which included, you guessed it....INSANITY!  Brian and I did Cardio Power and Resistance today while the boys played "construction".  I was VERY tired.  I could tell that I had eaten like crap.  I had some eggs for breakfast, which was good.  But it went downhill from there.  I had cake dip for snack and ice cream for lunch.  It was a snow day which in my book means a junk food eating day!  And let me tell you, I could tell that the junk food did nothing for me in terms of energy.  I was sluggish through the entire workout.  I just wasn't feeling it today.  So to make things better, we went out for supper and I had a margarita, a big greasy cheeseburger and fried kettle chips.  Mark that in the book for a spectacular eating day....BAM!  

Race Day Post

Spring Fling Diva Dash

Sunday 4/28: Before I did my Insanity workout today I had a little race to run!  I ran in the Spring Fling Diva Dash 5K in Rochester which supports Ovarian Cancer research.  It's an all women's race.  The weather was PERFECT!  

I was up early, had a little breakfast and was out the door, only to quickly return because I had forgotten my Garmin.  I have fears about running without that puppy.  She's like my best running friend.  We run everywhere  together!  So a quick turn around to get her and I was off.  Well fast forward two minutes and I look at her (I should probably name the Garmin!) and it won't turn on!  WHAT?  This has never happened.  Well it turns out after hours of stressing and trying to figure out how to turn it on that the battery was actually dead.  So disappointment sets in when I realize I wouldn't be running with her.  But that's ok, because I have RunKeeper on my phone which will pace me throughout the race, or so I thought!  

I set off running and the RunKeeper chimed in to tell me my pace, but not into my earbuds, but instead out loud, so everyone running by me could hear it.  And to make matters worse then my music would not play into my ear buds.  No one wants to hear my crazy weird selection of music nor do they want to hear my RunKeeper update me every couple minutes.  I decided at that point that I just needed to turn off the electronic devices.  Insert super sad face here!  So, my next best option to stay motivated, I picked a girl that looked to be running at a comfortable pace and I got behind her.  I could tell I was running a little faster than usual, but it felt good so I kept going.  When I crossed the finish line the clock read 27:20....WHAT?!!!  That would be my fastest race ever!    My official time ended up being 27:15 which is an 8:47 pace.  YIKES!  Blew myself out of the water on that one.  I still can't believe it!  I guess it just goes to show that I don't always need my Garmin or music to rock my run :)  

Next race: Stay out of the Sun Run on May 17th.  I've signed up for the 10K for this one.  This race supports Skin Cancer research which is something that is near and dear to my heart as my dad passed away from skin cancer. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 13: Cardio Power and Resistance

Wednesday April 24:  When I left you yesterday after Day 12 I was hoping Jackson would want to go with a short run for me.  Well he originally did so we both got our running clothes on and started putting our shoes on.  Then in his sweet four year old way, he decided that he didn't want to run.  I tried to con him into going, but nothing worked.  I had my heart set on running just a short run with Jackson, but since he didn't want to go I decided that I better just go by myself since I was all ready.  I went out and around the local golf course.  It's just a short jaunt, about 2.3 miles total.  I ran fast, well fast for me!  Averaging a 9 minute mile.  Felt great!  

Fast forward to today, Wednesday.  I had made a running date with my sweet running partner Erika for 5:30am.  I slept like poo and wasn't feeling rested at all.  But, I love running with Erika, so I wasn't about to miss a run date!  We headed out and holy moly were these legs sore, along with my arms and abs.  Those 8 minute abs must have been pretty powerful!  We ran about 3.3 miles and I had to stop and walk for a block towards the end because my legs almost fell off.  I'm very thankful they didn't. 

One would think my workout would be done for the day after a run, but no!  I still had insanity to do.  So I grabbed my water and turned on the TV for 40 glorious minutes of Cadrio Power and Resistance.  It was brutal to say the least.  This is my favorite video, remember?!  But today it was HARD!  I wonder if that's because this is because this is my fourth workout in 24 hours?  Maybe! :)  I like looking over my heart rate chart.  You can really tell that I am doing interval work.  And I like that it's in red.  FIERCE! 

I survived and spent the rest of the day laying on the floor.  No, not really!  I played with the boys, worked on my FINAL Grad School project and even made some money (I went to work for the night).  Overall, a very productive day!