Thursday, May 26, 2016

Running: Why even do it?

The other day I had the most wonderful, fantastic, beautiful, dreadfully SLOW run.  

It was perfect.  I stopped to take pictures along the way.  I listened to music.  I took my headphones out and listened to the wind.  I put the headphones back in and listened to some more awesome music.  I walked during the wooded area because it was cool and I needed to cool down.  I sprinted up the hill (and smiled) while singing "you son of a b#$ch. I coasted downhill.  I ran until I felt like turning around to go home.  I just had fun and did whatever I wanted to do, with no shame attached.

This really got me thinking.  In my logical head I thought...what's the point, why even do it?  This run accomplished nothing.  I didn't work on my speed.  I didn't work on my distance.  I didn't dial in my nutrition before hand.  I really didn't fuel well before.  It was pretty much a wasted run.  A waste of time.  

But remember, I'm working on my positive affirmations!  And before this run I told myself, "You are worth this time, you deserve this run today, however it may look."  And so I set out and had the most wonderful run.  Better than any run I've had in weeks. It was one of the most beneficial runs that I may have ever had, ever.  It served to remind me why I do it: why I exercise, why I take time for myself, why I push myself.  And here is why, in no particular order (so ignore the numbers!)....
  1. It makes me happy.
  2. It makes me not want to tell my kids to zip it, be quiet, just shut your mouth and eat your supper without spilling your milk on the floor for the 5th time today.
  3. Wait, I take #2 back.....running makes me better able to control my thoughts and the words that come out of my mouth in those situations!
  4. It makes me feel like I've just taken a nice street drug. What I mean by this is that it makes me feel good, like I'm flying on a cloud.  I imagine this is what street drugs do.....
  5. It makes me sleep good.
  6. It makes my jeans fit better.  
  7. No, nevermind #7, I don't wear jeans.
  8. It makes my booty look nice in leggings.  I do wear leggings!
  9. It makes my friends wants to hang out with me more.  They love hearing my working out stories.....wait, maybe that's a stretch! Although they did like that one story where I was confused as to weather I had peed myself or had sweat to death.  But that is for another time....
  10. It makes me not want to scream answers at my husband when he says "what" to every thing I say.  I will not repeat myself, you must listen better!!!!  See, now after a workout and I'm experiencing #4 I'm willing to repeat anything, numerous times.
  11. It makes me eat healthier.
  12. It makes me drink more water. Because I'm thirsty.  Working out makes you thirsty.
  13. It makes me appreciate my body and it's abilities.  I mean, have you ever seen a runner looking more dashing walking through that wooded area....didn't think so!
  14. It makes me realize how lucky I am to be living this life.
  15. It makes me grateful.
  16. It makes me thankful for my wild children who spill milk numerous times a day, draw on my walls with permanent marker, pee on the floor, scream and hit their siblings, refuse to eat off of the blue plate simply because it's blue, hammer their brothers door (with a real life grown up hammer....ya, that left a mark!), spit on the floor, dump all the markers on the floor and make me feel like I'm loosing my mind.

  17. It makes me realize that this life is really good.  And I need that.  EVERY SINGLE DAY.
  18. It makes me feel alive!

It's been three days since the run and I'm still experiencing #4.  That's pretty nice.  No wait, I'm not.....milk is on the floor.....AGAIN!  

I hope that you can take time to find something that makes you realize that this life we live is pretty darn awesome.  I hope you can find something that makes you feel alive!

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