Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A few updates and something fun I found on YouTube

DAY 10: PURE CARDIO: Brian had to do this workout today too so we did it together when the kids were napping.  It's what we call quality time together.  I don't know if I do better or worse when doing these workouts with other people.  Either way, this workout is killer and made me tired!  The workout starts with the warmup which is a workout in itself!  Then into the stretching which I can tell I'm getting better at each day.  I like doing this with Brian because it makes me feel very flexible because Brian is not so flexible :)  I like to compare myself to others, it's only natural!  Then comes the insanity! The workout is divided into 15 exercises, each of which is done for a whole minute. The workouts are as follows:

  • Suicide Drills
  • Switch kicks
  • Wide football sprints
  • Stance Jacks
  • Pedal
  • Hooks and Jump rope
  • Power jacks
  • Level 2 drills
  • Frog Jumps
  • Power Knees
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Ski Down
  • Scissor Runs
  • Suicide Jumps
  • Push up jacks (push ups with wide feet)
This workout is TOUGH!  I enjoyed it much better than last time, I think because I knew what was coming and I knew I only had to do each exercise once. 

Here is my heart rate chart.  I think I was close to max at around minute 32.  Wowza!

DAY 11: PLYOMETRIC CARDIO CIRCUIT:  I did this workout at about 9:00p.m. at night.  I thought the boys were sleeping.  I was wrong.  About half way through I could hear giggles on the other side of the door.  My two little boys were peeking at me and laughing at my workout.  They love to watch Brian and I work out and like to ask if we are sweating.  I guess watching me workout was much more fun that sleeping.  I pushed really hard tonight for this workout and I could feel it.  I sweat like crazy.  I could hardly move at the end; both my arms and legs were shaking like crazy!  It felt GREAT!  My favorite part of this workout is at the end where you do Jabs, Cross Jacks, Uppercuts and Attacks (all of which are punching moves except for the cross jabs which are goofy looking jumping jacks).  You would think that punching would be easy but it's not after the nutzo workout.  My arms could barely move.  I'm sure I looked really odd.  That's probably why my little kiddos were hiding outside the door laughing!  

Here is my heart rate chart for the cardio circuit.  

DAY 12: CARDIO RECOVERY:  Today was cardio recovery aka lots of yoga like moves, lunges and squats for 35 minutes.  As I said before about this workout, I don't like it.  I didn't like it again today.  It's boring.  I did sweat just a little during the squats and lunges where you have to hold for what feels like 10 minutes (it's really only like a minute) and then pulse for another 10 minutes (really just like 30 seconds!).  regardless, I don't like this workout.  I wanted to turn it off, but I finished it.  I wanted to share my heart rate chart with you but for some reason it won't upload.  I guess that just reinforces how boring this workout is.  My heart rate wasn't even detected!!!  HA!  I didn't feel satisfied with my workout so I went looking on the internet and I found this gem on YouTube.  

Oh yes, that's 8 minute abs gang!  (The guy in the video said gang 48 times!) 
Here is the link in case any of you would like to try this goodness out.  I liked it.  I'll do it again tomorrow!

I told Jackson that if it is nice out this afternoon that we could go for a "training run".  It's looking pretty nice out right now.  I hope he feels like going for a jog with his Momma! 

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