Saturday, April 13, 2013

Insanity: My journey begins.

The Beginning.  After listening to my hubby moan and groan for weeks about becoming more active and talking about how his friend has the Insanity videos and how great they are, I decided I needed to take action.  It worked out perfect since it was his birthday on April 1st.  30th Birthday at that; a great time for a change!  I purchased him Insanity (what a sweet gift huh!).  He started it over a week ago and is enjoying it so far.  So, being the competitive person that I am, I've decided that I will do it too....what was I thinking!  So as a way to keep me motivated and hold myself accountable, I'm going to blog about my insanity journey.  And share with whoever wants to read about it.  And maybe I'll share a few pictures along the way. Enjoy :)
I look spectacular because I just finished a workout!  

Let's start with my fitness level.  I'm active, but by no means in great shape.  I run three to four times a week and will take part in the occasional fitness class. 

Day 1 April 10 The fit test.  I had to complete the following exercises for a minute and see how many I could do.  Here are my scores.  I'm not sure if they are good or not, but I was shaky at the end, so I'm guessing I did ok! 
Switch Kicks 100
Power Jacks 41
Power Knees 82
Power Jumps 29
Globe Jumps 8
Suicide Jacks 16
Push-up Jacks 17
Low Plank Oblique 67

The fit test took about 20 minutes or so.  You do a short warm up and then have a minute break in-between each exercise.  Not too bad.  I can do this for 60 days!

Day 2  April 12 Nothing like the fit test!! YIKES!  Today was plyometric cardio circuit.  It was about 45 minutes of craziness!  There was a warm up, it felt more like and intense workout though.  I was sweating like crazy just minutes into it.  Then came the workout.  I hopped around, did push-up, and tons of plank like moves that made me want to throw up.  But I finished, and didn't pass out or vomit.  Success!  Day 2 in the books.  But just to make sure I got a good workout in, I went for a run with my favorite running pal Erika.  We did just shy of 3 miles at what I thought was a slow pace.  (My slow would be a little over a 10 min/mile).  We chatted the entire time, it was wonderful!  After I got home and checked my garmin I realized that we averaged a little over a 9:30 minute mile.  Not shabby for legs that feel like jello and jibber jabbering the entire time.  Next on the agenda for the day: lay on the couch.  Oh no, wait, I work an overnight tonight.  Into work I go! 

Day 3 April 13 Today's workout is cardio power and resistance.  It sounds hard.  It was.  The kids and hubby were both napping, so I tried to be quiet.  I wanted to scream about four times throughout the 40 minute workout.  I didn't.  I also felt like passing out a few times but I didn't do that either.  So, another success!  My legs were super sore today and felt like jello from the get go.  And just like yesterday, I was sweating about a minute into it.  But I paced myself and made it through.  Now I really am going to sit on the couch for awhile.  My legs are T.I.R.E.D.  

Anyone tried Insanity before?  Thoughts on how it went?  Did you survive?   

What's your favorite workout?
Hands down I love running!

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